We keep a reading list. It’s made up of the professional development books and articles we most often recommend to others. The books that make it onto our list get there for one reason or another. Some provide compelling research on the nature of leadership and achievement. Some tell great stories about successful leaders and companies, and some simply shed light on what makes people tick.
We’ve just finished reading a book that’s going straight onto the list. The title of the book is Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work & in Life, One Conversation at a Time, by Susan Scott. This is a must-read for any leader or aspiring leader, and it has important cross-over value for your personal life. It’s an easy read and provides a step-by-step guide for having those tough conversations at work and at home that you have been avoiding or having with marginal or no success. Since all your conversations in life include you, the author begins by challenging you to confront the issues that are keeping you from having your most powerful, productive conversations. It’s all good stuff, so give yourself this gift for the holidays.
How do we decide which books to read for our continuing education? We listen for the sources other people reference — the books, articles, blogs, videos, webinars, and other medium that have impacted them — and when titles and authors keep coming up, we check them out. That’s how we found Fierce Conversations.
We’re always in the hunt for something that will challenge our way of thinking, create a light bulb moment, contribute to our understanding of leadership and personal growth, or inspire us to live with courage and purpose. Tell us your favorites. What have you read or seen that has made a difference in your work or home life? What made it important to you?